Source code for SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame.control

# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-

simpleguics2pygame module: simpleguics2pygame/control.

Classes Control and TextAreaControl.

Piece of SimpleGUICS2Pygame.

:license: GPLv3 --- Copyright (C) 2015-2016, 2020 Olivier Pirson
:author: Olivier Pirson ---
:version: November 29, 2020

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

# print('IMPORT', __name__)

__all__ = ('Control', 'TextAreaControl')

    from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple, Union
except ImportError:

import pygame

from SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame._colors import _SIMPLEGUICOLOR_TO_PYGAMECOLOR  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module  # noqa
from SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame._fonts import _simpleguifontface_to_pygamefont  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module  # noqa

# "Private" function
def _text_to_text_cut(text, width, pygame_font):
    # type: (str, int, pygame.font.Font) -> Tuple[str, ...]
    Cut `text` in pieces smaller `width`.

    **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)**

    :param text: str
    :param width: int >= 0
    :param pygame_font: pygame.font.Font

    :return: tuple of str
    assert isinstance(text, str), type(text)

    assert isinstance(width, int), type(width)
    assert width >= 0, width

    assert isinstance(pygame_font, pygame.font.Font), type(pygame_font)

    text_cut = []

    line = ''
    tested = ''
    for piece in text.split():
        tested = (line + ' ' + piece if line
                  else piece)
        if pygame_font.size(tested)[0] <= width:
            line = tested
            if line:
            line = piece

    if line:

    return tuple(text_cut)

# Classes
[docs]class Control: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Control similar to SimpleGUI `Control` (button and label) of CodeSkulptor.""" # noqa _button_background_pygame_color = _SIMPLEGUICOLOR_TO_PYGAMECOLOR['silver'] """`pygame.Color` of the background in the button.""" _button_selected_background_pygame_color = pygame.Color('#f0f0f0') # pylint: disable=invalid-name # noqa """`pygame.Color` of the background in the button when it has pressed.""" _button_text_pygame_color = _SIMPLEGUICOLOR_TO_PYGAMECOLOR['black'] """`pygame.Color` of text in the button.""" _button_pygame_font = _simpleguifontface_to_pygamefont(None, 20) """`pygame.font.Font` of text in the button.""" _button_padding_x = 5 """Horizontal padding in the button.""" _button_padding_y = 3 """Vertical padding in the button.""" _label_text_pygame_color = _button_text_pygame_color """`pygame.Color` of the label.""" _label_pygame_font = _button_pygame_font """`pygame.font.Font` of the label."""
[docs] def __init__(self, frame, text, button_handler=None, width=None): # type: (pygame.Frame, str, Optional[Callable[[], Any]], Optional[int]) -> None # noqa r""" Set a button (if button_handler is not None) or a label (if button_handler is None) in the control panel. **Don't use directly**, use `Frame.add_button()` or `Frame.add_label()`. :param frame: Frame :param text: str :param button_handler: None or (function () -> \*) :param width: None or int """ assert isinstance(text, str), type(text) assert (button_handler is None) or callable(button_handler), \ type(button_handler) assert (width is None) or isinstance(width, int), type(width) self._frame_parent = frame # If is None then it's a label, else it's a button self._button_handler = button_handler self._width = (max(0, int(round(width))) if width is not None else None) self._text = text self._text_cut = _text_to_text_cut( text, (self._width if self._width is not None else self._frame_parent._control_width), # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa (Control._label_pygame_font if button_handler is not None else Control._button_pygame_font)) self._x1 = 0 self._y1 = (frame._controls[-1]._y2 + 2 if frame._controls # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa else 0) self._x2 = 0 self._y2 = 0
[docs] def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str """ Return `'<Control object>'`. :return: str """ return '<Control object>'
[docs] def _mouse_left_button(self, pressed): # type: (bool) -> None """ Deal a click of left mouse button on the zone of this `Control`. If `pressed` then select this Control, else unselect and run the button handler (if exist). **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** :param pressed: bool """ assert isinstance(pressed, bool), type(pressed) self._frame_parent._control_selected = (self if pressed # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa else None) self._frame_parent._draw_controlpanel() # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa if (not pressed) and (self._button_handler is not None): self._button_handler()
[docs] def _draw(self): # type: () -> None """ Draw the control object in the control panel. **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** """ if self._button_handler is None: self._draw_label() else: self._draw_button()
[docs] def _draw_button(self): # type: () -> None """ Draw the the control object as a button. **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** """ # Prepare text seq = [] width_max = 0 height_total = 0 for text in self._text_cut: pygame_surface_text = Control._button_pygame_font.render( text, True, Control._button_text_pygame_color) text_width, text_height = pygame_surface_text.get_size() width_max = max(width_max, text_width) height_total += text_height seq.append((pygame_surface_text, text_width, text_height)) # Button width = (width_max + Control._button_padding_x * 2 if self._width is None else max(self._width, width_max + Control._button_padding_x * 2)) height = height_total + Control._button_padding_y * 2 pygame_surface_button = pygame.surface.Surface((width, height)) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args # noqa pygame_surface_button.fill(self._frame_parent._controlpanel_background_pygame_color) # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa for i, color in enumerate( ((Control._button_selected_background_pygame_color if self._frame_parent._control_selected == self # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa else Control._button_background_pygame_color), Control._button_text_pygame_color)): pygame.draw.polygon(pygame_surface_button, color, ((3, 0), (width - 4, 0), (width - 1, 3), (width - 1, height - 4), (width - 4, height - 1), (3, height - 1), (0, height - 4), (0, 3)), i) # button with rounded corners # Draw text y = Control._button_padding_y for pygame_surface_text, text_width, text_height in seq: pygame_surface_button.blit(pygame_surface_text, ((width - text_width) // 2, y)) y += text_height # Draw complete button self._frame_parent._controlpanel_pygame_surface.blit( # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa pygame_surface_button, (self._x1, self._y1)) self._x2 = self._x1 + width self._y2 = self._y1 + height
[docs] def _draw_label(self): # type: () -> None """ Draw the the control object as a label. **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** """ if self._text_cut: width_max = 0 self._y2 = self._y1 for text in self._text_cut: pygame_surface_text = Control._label_pygame_font.render( text, True, Control._label_text_pygame_color) width, height = pygame_surface_text.get_size() width_max = max(width_max, width) self._frame_parent._controlpanel_pygame_surface.blit( # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa pygame_surface_text, (self._x1, self._y2)) self._y2 += height self._x2 = self._x1 + width_max else: self._x2 = self._x1 self._y2 = self._y1 + Control._label_pygame_font.size('')[1]
[docs] def _pos_in(self, x, y): # type: (Union[int, float], Union[int, float]) -> bool """ If position (`x`, `y`) is on the zone of this `aControl` then return `True`, else return `False`. **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** :param x: int or float :param y: int or float :return: bool """ assert isinstance(x, (int, float)), type(x) assert isinstance(y, (int, float)), type(y) return ((self._x1 <= x <= self._x2) and (self._y1 <= y <= self._y2))
[docs] def get_text(self): # type: () -> str """ Return the text of the button or the label. :return: str """ return self._text
[docs] def set_text(self, text): # type: (str) -> None """ Change the text of the button or the label. :param text: str """ assert isinstance(text, str), type(text) self._text = text self._text_cut = _text_to_text_cut( text, (self._width if self._width else self._frame_parent._control_width), # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa (Control._label_pygame_font if self._button_handler is not None else Control._button_pygame_font)) self._frame_parent._draw_controlpanel() # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa
[docs]class TextAreaControl: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """ TextAreaControl similar to SimpleGUI `TextAreaControl` (input) of CodeSkulptor. """ _input_background_pygame_color = _SIMPLEGUICOLOR_TO_PYGAMECOLOR['white'] """`pygame.Color` of the background in the input box.""" _input_mark_pygame_color = _SIMPLEGUICOLOR_TO_PYGAMECOLOR['lime'] """`pygame.Color` of the end mark of text in the input box.""" _input_padding_x = 5 """Horizontal padding in the input box.""" _input_padding_y = 3 """Vertical padding in the input box.""" _input_pygame_color = _SIMPLEGUICOLOR_TO_PYGAMECOLOR['black'] """`pygame.Color` of the text in the input box.""" _input_pygame_font = Control._label_pygame_font # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa """`pygame.font.Font` of the text in the input box.""" _input_selected_background_pygame_color = \ _SIMPLEGUICOLOR_TO_PYGAMECOLOR['white'] # pylint: disable=invalid-name """`pygame.Color` of the background in the input box when it has focus.""" _label_text_pygame_color = Control._label_text_pygame_color # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa """`pygame.Color` of the label of the input box.""" _label_pygame_font = _input_pygame_font """`pygame.font.Font` of the label of the input box."""
[docs] def __init__(self, frame, label_text, input_handler, input_width): # type: (pygame.Frame, str, Optional[Callable[[str], Any]], Union[int, float]) -> None # noqa """ Set a input box in the control panel. **Don't use directly**, use `Frame.add_input()`. :param frame: Frame :param label_text: str :param input_handler: function (str) -> * :param input_width: int or float """ assert isinstance(label_text, str), type(label_text) assert callable(input_handler), type(input_handler) assert isinstance(input_width, (int, float)), type(input_width) self._frame_parent = frame self._input_handler = input_handler self._width = (int(round(input_width)) if input_width >= 0 else frame._control_width) # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa self._label_text = label_text self._label_text_cut = _text_to_text_cut( label_text, frame._control_width, # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa TextAreaControl._input_pygame_font) self._x1 = 0 self._y1 = (frame._controls[-1]._y2 + 2 if frame._controls # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa else 0) self._x2 = 0 self._y2 = 0 self._input_pos = 0 self._input_text = ''
[docs] def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str """ Return `'<TextAreaControl object>'`. :return: str """ return '<TextAreaControl object>'
[docs] def _draw(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # type: () -> None """ Draw the input box and his label. **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** """ # Display the label label_width = 0 self._y2 = self._y1 for text in self._label_text_cut: pygame_surface_text = TextAreaControl._label_pygame_font.render( text, True, TextAreaControl._label_text_pygame_color) width, height = pygame_surface_text.get_size() label_width = max(label_width, width) self._frame_parent._controlpanel_pygame_surface.blit( # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa pygame_surface_text, (self._x1, self._y2)) self._y2 += height # Display the input text in the input box selected = (self._frame_parent._control_selected == self) # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa pygame_surface_text = TextAreaControl._input_pygame_font.render( self._input_text, True, TextAreaControl._input_pygame_color) text_width, text_height = pygame_surface_text.get_size() if self._input_pos < len(self._input_text): pygame_surface_text_before_cursor = TextAreaControl._input_pygame_font.render( # pylint: disable=invalid-name # noqa self._input_text[:self._input_pos], True, TextAreaControl._input_pygame_color) text_before_cursor_width, _ = \ pygame_surface_text_before_cursor.get_size() else: text_before_cursor_width = text_width rect_y = self._y2 + 2 rect_height = text_height + 2 + TextAreaControl._input_padding_y * 2 pygame.draw.rect( self._frame_parent._controlpanel_pygame_surface, # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa (TextAreaControl._input_selected_background_pygame_color if selected else TextAreaControl._input_background_pygame_color), (self._x1, rect_y, self._width, rect_height), 0) pygame.draw.rect(self._frame_parent._controlpanel_pygame_surface, # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa TextAreaControl._input_pygame_color, (self._x1, rect_y, self._width, rect_height), 1) text_x = self._x1 + 1 + TextAreaControl._input_padding_x text_y = rect_y + 1 + TextAreaControl._input_padding_y max_text_width = self._width - 2 - TextAreaControl._input_padding_x * 2 offset_text_x = max(0, text_width - max_text_width) text_width = min(text_width, max_text_width) cursor_x = text_x - offset_text_x + text_before_cursor_width if (text_width >= max_text_width) and (text_x + 10 > cursor_x): diff = text_x + (10 if self._input_pos > 0 else 0) - cursor_x offset_text_x -= diff text_width += diff cursor_x += diff if selected: # Draw cursor pygame.draw.line(self._frame_parent._controlpanel_pygame_surface, # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa self._input_mark_pygame_color, (cursor_x, text_y - 1), (cursor_x, text_y + text_height + 1), 1) # Draw text self._frame_parent._controlpanel_pygame_surface.blit( # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa pygame_surface_text, (text_x, text_y), (offset_text_x, 0, text_width, text_height)) # Set bottom-right position self._x2 = self._x1 + max(label_width, self._width) self._y2 += rect_height
[docs] def _key(self, pygame_event): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements,too-many-return-statements # noqa # type: (pygame.event.Event) -> None """ Deal key pressed when this `TextAreaControl` have focus. **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** :param pygame_event: pygame.Event KEYDOWN or KEYUP """ assert 0 <= self._input_pos <= len(self._input_text), \ (self._input_pos, len(self._input_text), self._input_text) if pygame_event.key == pygame.K_END: # End # pylint: disable=no-member,no-else-return # noqa # Set position to end if self._input_pos < len(self._input_text): self._input_pos = len(self._input_text) self._frame_parent._draw_controlpanel() # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa return elif pygame_event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: # Escape # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa # Erase all if self._input_pos != '': self._input_pos = 0 self._input_text = '' self._frame_parent._draw_controlpanel() # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa return elif pygame_event.key == pygame.K_HOME: # Home # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa # Set position to begining if self._input_pos > 0: self._input_pos = 0 self._frame_parent._draw_controlpanel() # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa return elif pygame_event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: # Left # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa # Move backward position if self._input_pos > 0: self._input_pos = ( self._input_text[:self._input_pos].rstrip().rfind(' ') + 1 if pygame_event.mod & pygame.KMOD_CTRL # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa else self._input_pos - 1) self._frame_parent._draw_controlpanel() # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa return elif ((pygame_event.key == pygame.K_RETURN) or # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa (pygame_event.key == pygame.K_KP_ENTER)): # Return # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa # Valid text and run handler self._frame_parent._control_selected = None # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa self._frame_parent._draw_controlpanel() # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa self._input_handler(self._input_text) return elif pygame_event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: # Right # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa # Move forward position if self._input_pos < len(self._input_text): if pygame_event.mod & pygame.KMOD_CTRL: # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa i = self._input_pos while ((i < len(self._input_text)) and (self._input_text[i] == ' ')): i += 1 i = self._input_text.find(' ', i) self._input_pos = (i if i >= 0 else len(self._input_text)) else: self._input_pos += 1 self._frame_parent._draw_controlpanel() # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa return elif pygame_event.key == pygame.K_TAB: # Tab # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa # Give focus to the next input box (if exist) i = 0 while self._frame_parent._controls[i] != self: # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa i += 1 i += 1 while ((i < len(self._frame_parent._controls)) and # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa not isinstance(self._frame_parent._controls[i], # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa TextAreaControl)): i += 1 self._frame_parent._control_selected = ( # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa self._frame_parent._controls[i] # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa if i < len(self._frame_parent._controls) # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa else None) self._frame_parent._draw_controlpanel() # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa return old = self._input_text if pygame_event.key == pygame.K_BACKSPACE: # Backspace # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa # Delete previous character(s) new_pos = ( self._input_text[:self._input_pos].rstrip().rfind(' ') + 1 if pygame_event.mod & pygame.KMOD_CTRL # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa else self._input_pos - 1) self._input_text = (self._input_text[:new_pos] + self._input_text[self._input_pos:]) self._input_pos = new_pos elif pygame_event.key == pygame.K_DELETE: # Delete # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa # Delete next character(s) if pygame_event.mod & pygame.KMOD_CTRL: # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa i = self._input_pos while ((i < len(self._input_text)) and (self._input_text[i] == ' ')): i += 1 i = self._input_text.find(' ', i) self._input_text = (self._input_text[:self._input_pos] + (self._input_text[i:] if i >= 0 else '')) else: self._input_text = (self._input_text[:self._input_pos] + self._input_text[self._input_pos + 1:]) elif len(pygame_event.unicode) == 1: # Other key # Add character self._input_text = (self._input_text[:self._input_pos] + pygame_event.unicode + self._input_text[self._input_pos:]) self._input_pos += 1 if self._input_text != old: # Text was modified try: # In Python 2, maybe self._input_text is unicode, # try to convert to str self._input_text = str(self._input_text) self._input_pos = min(self._input_pos, len(self._input_text)) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass self._frame_parent._draw_controlpanel() # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa
[docs] def _mouse_left_button(self, pressed): # type: (bool) -> None """ Deal a click of left mouse button on the zone of this `TextAreaControl`. If `pressed` then give it the focus. **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** :param pressed: bool """ assert isinstance(pressed, bool), type(pressed) if pressed: self._frame_parent._control_selected = self # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa self._frame_parent._draw_controlpanel() # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa
[docs] def _pos_in(self, x, y): # type: (Union[int, float], Union[int, float]) -> bool """ If position (`x`, `y`) is on the zone of this `TextAreaControl` then return `True`, else return `False`. **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** :param x: int or float :param y: int or float :return: bool """ assert isinstance(x, (int, float)), type(x) assert isinstance(y, (int, float)), type(y) return ((self._x1 <= x <= self._x2) and (self._y1 <= y <= self._y2))
[docs] def get_text(self): # type: () -> str """ Return the text of the input box. :return: str (or unicode in Python 2) """ return self._input_text
[docs] def set_text(self, input_text): # type: (str) -> None """ Change the text in the input box. :param input_text: str """ assert isinstance(input_text, str), type(input_text) self._input_text = input_text self._frame_parent._draw_controlpanel() # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa