Source code for SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleplot

# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-

simpleplot module.

Replace the simpleplot module of CodeSkulptor.

Require matplotlib_
(and must be installed separately).

.. warning::
  With SimpleGUICS2Pygame,
  if your program is terminated,
  then windows opened by
  ``plot_bars()``, ``plot_lines()`` and ``plot_scatter()``
  will be closed automatically.
  You can use the specific function ``_block()``
  to block the program until closing all windows.
  See Tips_ to run specific code.

.. _Tips: Tips.html

Piece of SimpleGUICS2Pygame.

.. _matplotlib:

:license: GPLv3 --- Copyright (C) 2013-2016, 2020 Olivier Pirson
:author: Olivier Pirson ---
:version: May 20, 2020

from __future__ import print_function

# print('IMPORT', __name__)

    from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union
except ImportError:

    from matplotlib import __version__ as _MATPLOTLIB_VERSION

    import matplotlib.pyplot

    `True` if matplotlib is available,
    else `False`.
except ImportError:

    `matplotlib.__version__` if Pygame is available,
    else `None`.

# Private global constant
_COLORS = ('#edc240', '#afd8f8', '#cb4b4b', '#4da74d',
           '#9440ed', '#bd9b33', '#8cacc6', '#a23c3c',
           '#3d853d', '#7633bd', '#ffe84c', '#d2ffff',
           '#f35a5a', '#5cc85c', '#b14cff', '#8e7426',
           '#698194', '#792d2d', '#2e642e', '#58268e',
           '#ffff59', '#f4ffff', '#ff6969', '#6be96b',
           '#cf59ff', '#5e4d19', '#455663', '#511d1d',
           '#1e421e', '#3b195e', '#ffff66', '#ffffff')
Color used for each graph.

**(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)**

# Functions
[docs]def _block(): # type: () -> None """ If some plot windows are open then block the program until closing all windows. **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** """ if _MATPLOTLIB_AVAILABLE:
[docs]def plot_bars(framename, width, height, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals # noqa xlabel, ylabel, datasets, legends=None, _block=False, _filename=None): # type: (str, int, int, str, str, Union[Sequence, Dict[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]], Optional[Sequence], bool, Optional[str]) -> None # noqa """ Open a window titled `framename` and plot graphes with `datasets` data shown as vertical bars. `xlabel` and `ylabel` are labels of x-axis and y-axis. `datasets` must be a sequence of data. Each data must be: * Sequence (not empty) of pair x, y. Each point (x, y) is represented by a vertical bar of height y. * Or dict (not empty) x: y. Each point (x, y) is represented by a vertical bar of height y. If `legends` is not None then it must be a sequence of legend of each graph. If `_block` then block the program until closing the window else continue and close the window when program stop. **(Option not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** If `_filename` is not None then save the image to this file. **(Option not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** :param framename: str :param width: int > 0 :param height: int > 0 :param xlabel: str :param ylabel: str :param datasets: (list or tuple) of (((list or tuple) of ([int or float, int or float] or (int or float, int or float))) or (dict (int or float): (int or float))) :param legends: None or ((list or tuple) of same length as datasets) :param _block: False :param _filename: None or str """ assert isinstance(framename, str), type(framename) assert isinstance(width, int), type(width) assert width > 0, width assert isinstance(height, int), type(height) assert height > 0, height assert isinstance(xlabel, str), type(xlabel) assert isinstance(ylabel, str), type(ylabel) assert isinstance(datasets, (list, tuple)), type(datasets) if __debug__: for dataset in datasets: assert isinstance(dataset, (list, tuple, dict)), type(datasets) assert dataset for x, y in (dataset.items() if isinstance(dataset, dict) else dataset): assert isinstance(x, (int, float)), (type(x), x) assert isinstance(y, (int, float)), (type(y), y) assert ((legends is None) or isinstance(legends, (list, tuple))), type(legends) assert (legends is None) or (len(legends) == len(datasets)), legends assert isinstance(_block, bool), type(_block) assert (_filename is None) or isinstance(_filename, str), type(_filename) if not _MATPLOTLIB_AVAILABLE: from sys import stderr # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel print("""Fake 'plot_bars' function because matplotlib is not available! See""", file=stderr) return fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure() fig.set_size_inches(width // fig.get_dpi(), height // fig.get_dpi(), forward=True) fig.canvas.set_window_title(framename) matplotlib.pyplot.title(framename) from os.path import abspath, expanduser, sep # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # noqa icon_path = __file__.split(sep)[:-1] try: icon_path.extend(('_img', 'SimpleGUICS2Pygame_32x32.ico')) matplotlib.pyplot.get_current_fig_manager().window.wm_iconbitmap( sep.join(icon_path)) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel(xlabel) matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel(ylabel) matplotlib.pyplot.grid() bar_width = 0.8 / len(datasets) for i, dataset in enumerate(datasets): bar_lefts, bar_heights = zip(*(sorted(dataset.items()) if isinstance(dataset, dict) else dataset))[x + bar_width * i for x in bar_lefts], bar_heights, width=bar_width, color=_COLORS[i % len(_COLORS)], edgecolor=_COLORS[i % len(_COLORS)], figure=fig, alpha=0.5) ymin, ymax = matplotlib.pyplot.ylim() matplotlib.pyplot.ylim(ymin, ymax + 1) if legends is not None: matplotlib.pyplot.legend(legends, loc='upper right') if _filename is not None: _filename = abspath(expanduser(_filename)) matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(_filename)
[docs]def plot_lines(framename, width, height, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals # noqa xlabel, ylabel, datasets, points=False, legends=None, _block=False, _filename=None): # type: (str, int, int, str, str, Union[Sequence, Dict[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]], bool, Optional[Sequence], bool, Optional[str]) -> None # noqa """ Open a window titled `framename` and plot graphes with `datasets` data shown as connected lines. `xlabel` and `ylabel` are labels of x-axis and y-axis. `datasets` must be a sequence of data. Each data must be: * Sequence (not empty) of pair x, y. Each point (x, y) is plotted (in given order) and connected with line to previous and next points. * Or dict (not empty) x: y. Each point (x, y) is plotted (in ascending order of x value) and connected with line to previous and next points. If `points` then each point is highlighted by a small disc (a small circle in CodeSkulptor). If `legends` is not None then it must be a sequence of legend of each graph. If `_block` then block the program until closing the window else continue and close the window when program stop. **(Option not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** If `_filename` is not None then save the image to this file. **(Option not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** :param framename: str :param width: int > 0 :param height: int > 0 :param xlabel: str :param ylabel: str :param datasets: (list or tuple) of (((list or tuple) of ([int or float, int or float] or (int or float, int or float))) or (dict (int or float): (int or float))) :param points: bool :param legends: None or ((list or tuple) of same length as datasets) :param _block: False :param _filename: None or str """ assert isinstance(framename, str), type(framename) assert isinstance(width, int), type(width) assert width > 0, width assert isinstance(height, int), type(height) assert height > 0, height assert isinstance(xlabel, str), type(xlabel) assert isinstance(ylabel, str), type(ylabel) assert isinstance(datasets, (list, tuple)), type(datasets) if __debug__: for dataset in datasets: assert isinstance(dataset, (list, tuple, dict)), type(datasets) assert dataset for x, y in (dataset.items() if isinstance(dataset, dict) else dataset): assert isinstance(x, (int, float)), (type(x), x) assert isinstance(y, (int, float)), (type(y), y) assert isinstance(points, bool), type(points) assert ((legends is None) or isinstance(legends, (list, tuple))), type(legends) assert (legends is None) or (len(legends) == len(datasets)), legends assert isinstance(_block, bool), type(_block) assert (_filename is None) or isinstance(_filename, str), type(_filename) if not _MATPLOTLIB_AVAILABLE: from sys import stderr # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel print("""Fake 'plot_lines' function because matplotlib is not available! See""", file=stderr) return fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure() fig.set_size_inches(width // fig.get_dpi(), height // fig.get_dpi(), forward=True) fig.canvas.set_window_title(framename) matplotlib.pyplot.title(framename) from os.path import abspath, expanduser, sep # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # noqa icon_path = __file__.split(sep)[:-1] try: icon_path.extend(('_img', 'SimpleGUICS2Pygame_32x32.ico')) matplotlib.pyplot.get_current_fig_manager().window.wm_iconbitmap( sep.join(icon_path)) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel(xlabel) matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel(ylabel) matplotlib.pyplot.grid() for i, dataset in enumerate(datasets): matplotlib.pyplot.plot(*zip(*(sorted(dataset.items()) if isinstance(dataset, dict) else dataset)), color=_COLORS[i % len(_COLORS)], figure=fig, marker=('o' if points else None)) ymin, ymax = matplotlib.pyplot.ylim() matplotlib.pyplot.ylim(ymin - 1, ymax + 1) if legends is not None: matplotlib.pyplot.legend(legends, loc='upper right') if _filename is not None: _filename = abspath(expanduser(_filename)) matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(_filename)
[docs]def plot_scatter(framename, width, height, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals # noqa xlabel, ylabel, datasets, legends=None, _block=False, _filename=None): # type: (str, int, int, str, str, Union[Sequence, Dict[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]], Optional[Sequence], bool, Optional[str]) -> None # noqa """ Open a window titled `framename` and plot graphes with `datasets` data shown as scattered points. `xlabel` and `ylabel` are labels of x-axis and y-axis. `datasets` must be a sequence of data. Each data must be: * Sequence (not empty) of pair x, y. Each point (x, y) is represented by a circle. * Or dict (not empty) x: y. Each point (x, y) is represented by a circle. If `legends` is not None then it must be a sequence of legend of each graph. If `_block` then block the program until closing the window else continue and close the window when program stop. **(Option not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** If `_filename` is not None then save the image to this file. **(Option not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** :param framename: str :param width: int > 0 :param height: int > 0 :param xlabel: str :param ylabel: str :param datasets: (list or tuple) of (((list or tuple) of ([int or float, int or float] or (int or float, int or float))) or (dict (int or float): (int or float))) :param legends: None or ((list or tuple) of same length as datasets) :param _block: False :param _filename: None or str """ assert isinstance(framename, str), type(framename) assert isinstance(width, int), type(width) assert width > 0, width assert isinstance(height, int), type(height) assert height > 0, height assert isinstance(xlabel, str), type(xlabel) assert isinstance(ylabel, str), type(ylabel) assert isinstance(datasets, (list, tuple)), type(datasets) if __debug__: for dataset in datasets: assert isinstance(dataset, (list, tuple, dict)), type(datasets) assert dataset for x, y in (dataset.items() if isinstance(dataset, dict) else dataset): assert isinstance(x, (int, float)), (type(x), x) assert isinstance(y, (int, float)), (type(y), y) assert ((legends is None) or isinstance(legends, (list, tuple))), type(legends) assert (legends is None) or (len(legends) == len(datasets)), legends assert isinstance(_block, bool), type(_block) assert (_filename is None) or isinstance(_filename, str), type(_filename) if not _MATPLOTLIB_AVAILABLE: from sys import stderr # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel print("""Fake 'plot_scatter' function because matplotlib is not available! See""", file=stderr) return fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure() fig.set_size_inches(width // fig.get_dpi(), height // fig.get_dpi(), forward=True) fig.canvas.set_window_title(framename) matplotlib.pyplot.title(framename) from os.path import abspath, expanduser, sep # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # noqa icon_path = __file__.split(sep)[:-1] try: icon_path.extend(('_img', 'SimpleGUICS2Pygame_32x32.ico')) matplotlib.pyplot.get_current_fig_manager().window.wm_iconbitmap( sep.join(icon_path)) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel(xlabel) matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel(ylabel) matplotlib.pyplot.grid() xmin = float('inf') xmax = float('-inf') for i, dataset in enumerate(datasets): xs, ys = zip(*(sorted(dataset.items()) # pylint: disable=invalid-name if isinstance(dataset, dict) else dataset)) xmin = min(xmin, min(xs)) xmax = max(xmax, max(xs)) matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(xs, ys, color=_COLORS[i % len(_COLORS)], edgecolor=_COLORS[i % len(_COLORS)], figure=fig) matplotlib.pyplot.xlim(xmin, xmax) if legends is not None: matplotlib.pyplot.legend(legends, loc='upper right') if _filename is not None: _filename = abspath(expanduser(_filename)) matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(_filename)
# Clean types use by static checking if 'Sequence' in dir(): del Dict del Optional del Sequence del Union