Source code for SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame.frame

# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines

simpleguics2pygame module: simpleguics2pygame/frame.

Class Frame.

Piece of SimpleGUICS2Pygame.

:license: GPLv3 --- Copyright (C) 2015-2016, 2020 Olivier Pirson
:author: Olivier Pirson ---
:version: November 29, 2020

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

# print('IMPORT', __name__)

import os.path
import random
import sys

    from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
except ImportError:

import pygame

__all__ = ('Frame',

from SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame._arguments import _CONFIG  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module  # noqa

from SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame import _colors, _fonts, _joypads, _media  # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position,ungrouped-imports,unused-import  # noqa

from SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame._colors import _SIMPLEGUICOLOR_TO_PYGAMECOLOR, _simpleguicolor_to_pygamecolor  # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position,no-name-in-module,ungrouped-imports  # noqa
from SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame._fonts import _SIMPLEGUIFONTFACE_TO_PYGAMEFONTNAME, _simpleguifontface_to_pygamefont  # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position,no-name-in-module,ungrouped-imports  # noqa

from SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame.canvas import Canvas  # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position,no-name-in-module,ungrouped-imports  # noqa
from SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame.control import Control, TextAreaControl  # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position,no-name-in-module,ungrouped-imports  # noqa
from SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame.image import Image  # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position,no-name-in-module,ungrouped-imports  # noqa
from SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame.keys import KEY_MAP, _SIMPLEGUIKEY_TO_STATUSKEY, _pygamekey_to_simpleguikey  # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position,no-name-in-module,ungrouped-imports  # noqa
from SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame.timer import _STOP_TIMERS, Timer, create_timer  # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position,no-name-in-module,ungrouped-imports  # noqa

# Class
[docs]class Frame: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Frame similar to SimpleGUI `Frame` of CodeSkulptor.""" _background_pygame_color = _SIMPLEGUICOLOR_TO_PYGAMECOLOR['white'] """Default background color of frame.""" _canvas_border_pygame_color = _SIMPLEGUICOLOR_TO_PYGAMECOLOR['black'] """Border color of canvas.""" _controlpanel_background_pygame_color = _SIMPLEGUICOLOR_TO_PYGAMECOLOR['white'] # pylint: disable=invalid-name # noqa """Background color of control panel.""" _cursor_auto_hide = False """ When move cursor, if `True` then hide cursor when on canvas, else show cursor. """ _display_fps_average = _CONFIG['--display-fps'] """ If `True` then display FPS average on the canvas. """ _fps = _CONFIG['--fps'] """Frames per second drawed (frequency of draw and check events)""" _frame_padding = _CONFIG['--frame-padding'] """The padding in pixels around the canvas""" _frame_instance = None """The only instance of Frame.""" _keep_timers = (True if _CONFIG['--keep-timers'] else (False if _STOP_TIMERS else None)) """ If `None` then ask (when stop frame) if it should be stop timers when program ending. (This is the default behavior.) If `True` then timers keep running when program ending. If `False` then stop all timers when program ending. """ _hide_controlpanel = _CONFIG['--no-controlpanel'] """ If `True` then hide control panel (and status box). """ _hide_status = _CONFIG['--no-status'] """ If `True` then hide status box. """ _print_stats_cache = _CONFIG['--print-stats-cache'] """ If `True` then print some statistics of caches after frame stopped. """ _pygame_mode_flags = ((pygame.FULLSCREEN | pygame.HWSURFACE # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa if _CONFIG['--fullscreen'] else 0) | (pygame.NOFRAME # pylint: disable=no-member if _CONFIG['--no-border'] else 0)) """ Default options of graphic mode. See """ _pygame_mode_depth = 0 """ Default number of bits used to represent color. See """ _save_canvas_requests = [] # type: List[str] """List of filenames in which to save canvas image.""" _statuskey_background_pygame_color = _SIMPLEGUICOLOR_TO_PYGAMECOLOR['white'] # pylint: disable=invalid-name # noqa """`pygame.Color` of background in status key box.""" _statuskey_height = 20 """Height of the status key box.""" _statuskey_pygame_color = _SIMPLEGUICOLOR_TO_PYGAMECOLOR['black'] """`pygame.Color` of status key box (text and rectangle).""" _statuskey_pygame_font = pygame.font.Font(None, _statuskey_height) """`pygame.font.Font` of status key box.""" _statusmouse_background_pygame_color = _SIMPLEGUICOLOR_TO_PYGAMECOLOR['white'] # pylint: disable=invalid-name # noqa """`pygame.Color` of background in status mouse box.""" _statusmouse_height = _statuskey_height """Height of the status mouse box.""" _statusmouse_pygame_color = _statuskey_pygame_color """`pygame.Color` of status mouse box (text and rectangle).""" _statusmouse_pygame_font = pygame.font.Font(None, _statusmouse_height) """`pygame.font.Font` of status mouse box."""
[docs] @classmethod def _pygamecolors_cached_clear(cls): # type: () -> None """ Empty the cache of Pygame colors used. Each color used is cached to accelerate drawing. If you use many many different colors maybe use this function to free memory. **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** Side effect: Empty `_colors._PYGAMECOLORS_CACHED`. """ # noqa _colors._PYGAMECOLORS_CACHED = dict() # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa
[docs] @classmethod def _pygamefonts_cached_clear(cls): # type: () -> None """ Empty the cache of Pygame fonts used. Each font used with each size is cached to accelerate drawing. If you use many many different sizes maybe use this function to free memory. **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** Side effect: Empty `_fonts.__PYGAMEFONTS_CACHED`. """ _fonts.__PYGAMEFONTS_CACHED = dict() # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa
[docs] @classmethod def _set_cursor_visible(cls, visible=True): # type: (bool) -> None """ If visible is `True` then show cursor, else hide cursor. Independently of `_cursor_auto_hide` value. :param visible: bool """ pygame.mouse.set_visible(visible)
[docs] def __init__(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-statements title, canvas_width, canvas_height, control_width=200): # type: (str, Union[int, float], Union[int, float], Union[int, float]) -> None # noqa """ Set the frame. **Don't use directly**, use create_frame(). :param title: str :param canvas_width: (int or float) >= 0 :param canvas_height: (int or float) >= 0 :param control_width: (int or float) >= 0 """ assert Frame._frame_instance is None, \ "You can't instantiate two Frame!" assert isinstance(title, str), type(title) assert isinstance(canvas_width, (int, float)), type(canvas_width) assert canvas_width >= 0, canvas_width assert isinstance(canvas_height, (int, float)), type(canvas_height) assert canvas_height >= 0, canvas_height assert isinstance(control_width, (int, float)), type(control_width) assert control_width >= 0, control_width Frame._frame_instance = self self._control_width = (0 if Frame._hide_controlpanel else int(round(control_width))) self._border_size = (0 if Frame._hide_controlpanel else 25) self._canvas_border_size = Frame._frame_padding self._canvas_x_offset = (self._control_width + self._border_size * 2 + self._canvas_border_size) self._canvas_y_offset = self._border_size + self._canvas_border_size self._controls = [] # type: List[Union[Control, TextAreaControl]] self._control_next_y = 10 self._control_selected = None self._fps_average = 0 self.__joypad_down_handler = None # type: Optional[Callable[[int, int], Any]] # noqa self.__joypad_up_handler = None # type: Optional[Callable[[int, int], Any]] # noqa self.__joypad_axe_handler = None # type: Optional[Callable[[int, int, float], Any]] # noqa self.__joypad_hat_handler = None # type: Optional[Callable[[int, int, Tuple[int, int]], Any]] # noqa self._key_down_handler = None # type: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]] self._key_up_handler = None # type: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]] self._mouse_click_handler = None # type: Optional[Callable[[Tuple[int, int]], Any]] # noqa self._mouse_drag_handler = None # type: Optional[Callable[[Tuple[int, int]], Any]] # noqa self._running = False canvas_width = int(round(canvas_width)) canvas_height = int(round(canvas_height)) self._statusmouse_x_offset = 0 self._statusmouse_y_offset = (self._canvas_y_offset + canvas_height - Frame._statusmouse_height) self._statuskey_x_offset = self._statusmouse_x_offset self._statuskey_y_offset = (self._statusmouse_y_offset - 5 - Frame._statuskey_height) # Create the window icon_path = __file__.split(os.path.sep)[:-1] try: icon_path.extend(('_img', 'SimpleGUICS2Pygame_64x64_t.png')) pygame.display.set_icon( pygame.image.load(os.path.sep.join(icon_path))) except: # pylint: disable=bare-except # noqa pass self._pygame_surface = pygame.display.set_mode( ((self._canvas_x_offset + canvas_width + self._canvas_border_size + self._border_size), (self._canvas_y_offset + canvas_height + self._canvas_border_size + self._border_size)), Frame._pygame_mode_flags, Frame._pygame_mode_depth) pygame.display.set_caption(title) self._pygame_surface.fill(Frame._background_pygame_color) for i in range(1, self._canvas_border_size + 1): pygame.draw.rect( self._pygame_surface, Frame._canvas_border_pygame_color, (self._canvas_x_offset - i, self._canvas_y_offset - i, canvas_width + 2 * i, canvas_height + 2 * i), 1) # Create the canvas self._canvas = Canvas(self, canvas_width, canvas_height) # Create the status boxes: key and mouse self._statuskey_pygame_surface = pygame.surface.Surface( # pylint: disable=protected-access,too-many-function-args # noqa (self._control_width, Frame._statuskey_height)) self._statusmouse_pygame_surface = pygame.surface.Surface( # pylint: disable=protected-access,too-many-function-args # noqa (self._control_width, Frame._statusmouse_height)) # will be drawn by self._draw_controlpanel() # Create the control panel self._controlpanel_pygame_surface = pygame.surface.Surface( # pylint: disable=protected-access,too-many-function-args # noqa (self._control_width, canvas_height)) self._draw_controlpanel() # Display all pygame.display.update()
[docs] def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str """ Return '<Frame object>'. :return: str """ return '<Frame object>'
def __deal_event_key(self, event): # type: (pygame.event.Event) -> bool """ Private function that dispatch key `event`. :param event: Pygame event :return: True if some event match, else False """ if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: # key pressed # pylint: disable=no-member,no-else-return # noqa if ((self._control_selected is not None) and isinstance(self._control_selected, TextAreaControl)): self._control_selected._key(event) # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa elif self._key_down_handler is not None: key = _pygamekey_to_simpleguikey(event.key) self._draw_statuskey(key, True) self._key_down_handler(key) return True elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: # key released # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa if ((self._control_selected is not None) and isinstance(self._control_selected, TextAreaControl)): pass elif self._key_up_handler is not None: key = _pygamekey_to_simpleguikey(event.key) self._draw_statuskey(key, False) self._key_up_handler(key) return True else: return False def __deal_event_joypad(self, event): # type: (pygame.event.Event) -> bool """ Private function that dispatch joypad `event`. **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** :param event: Pygame event :return: True if some event match, else False """ if event.type == pygame.JOYHATMOTION: # hat moved # pylint: disable=no-member,no-else-return # noqa if self.__joypad_hat_handler is not None: self.__joypad_hat_handler(, event.hat, event.value) return True elif event.type == pygame.JOYAXISMOTION: # axe moved # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa if self.__joypad_axe_handler is not None: self.__joypad_axe_handler(, event.axis, event.value) return True elif event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN: # button pressed # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa if self.__joypad_down_handler is not None: self.__joypad_down_handler(, event.button) return True elif event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP: # button release # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa if self.__joypad_up_handler is not None: self.__joypad_up_handler(, event.button) return True else: return False def __deal_event_mouse(self, event): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # type: (pygame.event.Event) -> bool """ Private function that dispatch mouse `event`. :param event: Pygame event :return: True if some event match, else False """ mouse_drag_out_of_canvas = None if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: # mouse moved # pylint: disable=no-member,no-else-return # noqa x = event.pos[0] - self._canvas_x_offset y = event.pos[1] - self._canvas_y_offset if self._cursor_auto_hide: pygame.mouse.set_visible(not((0 <= x < self._canvas._width) and (0 <= y < self._canvas._height))) # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa if self._mouse_drag_handler is not None: if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: # type: ignore # Left click if (not 0 <= x < self._canvas._width) or (not 0 <= y < self._canvas._height): # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa # Out of canvas mouse_drag_out_of_canvas = True if not mouse_drag_out_of_canvas: # In canvas # and not out of canvas # since last mouse left button pressed self._draw_statusmouse((x, y), True) self._mouse_drag_handler((x, y)) return True elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # mouse b. pressed # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa if event.button == 1: # left click x = event.pos[0] - self._canvas_x_offset y = event.pos[1] - self._canvas_y_offset if (0 <= x < self._canvas._width) and (0 <= y < self._canvas._height): # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa # In canvas mouse_drag_out_of_canvas = False elif x < 0: # In control panel control = self._pos_in_control(event.pos[0] - self._border_size, event.pos[1] - self._canvas_y_offset) if control is not None: control._mouse_left_button(True) # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa elif self._control_selected is not None: self._control_selected = None self._draw_controlpanel() elif self._control_selected is not None: self._control_selected = None self._draw_controlpanel() return True elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: # mouse b. released # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa if event.button == 1: # left click x = event.pos[0] - self._canvas_x_offset y = event.pos[1] - self._canvas_y_offset if (0 <= x < self._canvas._width) and (0 <= y < self._canvas._height): # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa # In canvas if self._mouse_click_handler is not None: self._draw_statusmouse((x, y), False) self._mouse_click_handler((x, y)) elif x < 0: # In control panel control = self._pos_in_control(event.pos[0] - self._border_size, y) if control is not None: control._mouse_left_button(False) # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa return True else: return False
[docs] def _cursor_in_canvas(self): # type: () -> bool """:return: `True` if the cursor is on canvas, `False` else.""" x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() x -= self._canvas_x_offset y -= self._canvas_y_offset return (0 <= x < self._canvas._width) and (0 <= y < self._canvas._height) # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa
[docs] def _draw_controlpanel(self): # type: () -> None """ Draw the control panel and two status boxes. **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** """ self._controlpanel_pygame_surface.fill( Frame._controlpanel_background_pygame_color) for control in self._controls: control._draw() # pylint: disable=protected-access if Frame._hide_controlpanel: return self._pygame_surface.blit(self._controlpanel_pygame_surface, (self._border_size, self._canvas_y_offset)) self._draw_statuskey() self._draw_statusmouse() pygame.display.update((self._border_size, self._canvas_y_offset, self._control_width, self._canvas._height)) # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa
[docs] def _draw_statuskey(self, key=0, pressed=None): # type: (int, Optional[bool]) -> None """ Draw the status box of key. **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** :param key: int :param pressed: None or bool """ assert isinstance(key, int), type(key) assert (pressed is None) or isinstance(pressed, bool), type(pressed) if Frame._hide_status or Frame._hide_controlpanel: return self._statuskey_pygame_surface.fill( Frame._statuskey_background_pygame_color) pygame.draw.rect(self._statuskey_pygame_surface, Frame._statuskey_pygame_color, (0, 0, self._control_width, Frame._statuskey_height), 1) if pressed is not None: statuskey = _SIMPLEGUIKEY_TO_STATUSKEY.get(key, key) text = 'Key: {} {}'.format(('Down' if pressed else 'Up'), (statuskey if isinstance(statuskey, str) else '<{}>'.format(statuskey))) else: text = 'Key:' pygame_surface_text = Frame._statuskey_pygame_font.render( text, True, Frame._statuskey_pygame_color) self._statuskey_pygame_surface.blit( pygame_surface_text, (5, (Frame._statuskey_height - pygame_surface_text.get_height()) / 2)) self._pygame_surface.blit(self._statuskey_pygame_surface, ((self._border_size + self._statuskey_x_offset), self._statuskey_y_offset)) pygame.display.update((self._border_size + self._statuskey_x_offset, self._statuskey_y_offset, self._control_width, Frame._statuskey_height))
[docs] def _draw_statusmouse(self, position=(0, 0), pressed=None): # type: (Sequence[Union[int, float]], bool) -> None """ Draw the status box of mouse. **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** :param position: (int or float, int or float) or [int or float, int or float] :param pressed: bool """ assert isinstance(position, (tuple, list)), type(position) assert len(position) == 2, len(position) assert isinstance(position[0], (int, float)), type(position[0]) assert isinstance(position[1], (int, float)), type(position[1]) assert (pressed is None) or isinstance(pressed, bool), type(pressed) if Frame._hide_status or Frame._hide_controlpanel: return self._statusmouse_pygame_surface.fill( Frame._statusmouse_background_pygame_color) pygame.draw.rect(self._statusmouse_pygame_surface, Frame._statusmouse_pygame_color, (0, 0, self._control_width, Frame._statusmouse_height), 1) text = ('Mouse: {} {}, {}'.format(('Move' if pressed else 'Click'), position[0], position[1]) if pressed is not None else 'Mouse:') pygame_surface_text = Frame._statusmouse_pygame_font.render( text, True, Frame._statusmouse_pygame_color) self._statusmouse_pygame_surface.blit( pygame_surface_text, (5, (Frame._statusmouse_height - pygame_surface_text.get_height()) / 2)) self._pygame_surface.blit(self._statusmouse_pygame_surface, ((self._border_size + self._statusmouse_x_offset), self._statusmouse_y_offset)) pygame.display.update((self._border_size + self._statusmouse_x_offset, self._statusmouse_y_offset, self._control_width, Frame._statusmouse_height))
[docs] def _get_fps_average(self): # type: () -> float """ Return the framerate average (in frame per second) computed by Pygame. **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** :return: float """ return float(self._fps_average)
[docs] def _pos_in_control(self, x, y): # type: (Union[int, float], Union[int, float]) -> Optional[Union[Control, TextAreaControl]] # noqa """ If position (`x`, `y`) is on the zone of one `Control` or `TextAreaControl` then return it else return `None`. **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** :param x: int or float :param y: int or float :return: None or Control or TextAreaControl """ assert isinstance(x, (int, float)), type(x) assert isinstance(y, (int, float)), type(y) if (self._controls and (self._controls[0]._y1 <= y <= self._controls[-1]._y2)): # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa for control in self._controls: if control._pos_in(x, y): # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa return control return None
[docs] def _save_canvas_request(self, filename): # type: (str) -> None """ Request to save the canvas image in a file. (The images are saved on each cycle fixed by `Frame._fps`.) **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** :param filename: str """ assert isinstance(filename, str), type(filename) filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(filename)) self._save_canvas_requests.append(filename)
[docs] def _save_canvas_and_stop(self, filename, after=1000): # type: (str, Union[int, float]) -> None """ Wait after ms (first wait until the frame is started), then save the canvas in a file and stop the program. **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** :param filename: str :param after: int or float >= 0 """ assert isinstance(filename, str), type(filename) assert isinstance(after, (int, float)), type(after) assert after >= 0, after filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(filename)) def save_canvas_and_stop(): """Handler function will be executed.""" if self._running: self._save_canvas_request(filename) Timer._stop_all() # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa self.stop() if after == 0: save_canvas_and_stop() else: timer = create_timer(after, save_canvas_and_stop) timer.start()
[docs] def _set_canvas_background_image(self, image): # type: (Optional[Image]) -> None """ Set an image to replace the background color of the canvas. :param image: None or Image """ assert (image is None) or isinstance(image, Image), type(image) self._canvas._bg_pygame_surface_image = ( # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa None if image is None else image._pygame_surface) # pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs] def _set_joypadaxe_handler(self, joypad_handler): # type: (Callable[[int, int, float], Any]) -> None """ Set the function handler that will be executed (with the joypad index, the axe index and the value) when axis of joypad move. (The events are checked on each cycle fixed by `Frame._fps`.) **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** :param joypad_handler: function (int >= 0, int >=0, -1 <= float <= 1) -> * """ # noqa assert callable(joypad_handler), type(joypad_handler) self.__joypad_axe_handler = joypad_handler
[docs] def _set_joypaddown_handler(self, joypad_handler): # type: (Callable[[int, int], Any]) -> None """ Set the function handler that will be executed (with the joypad index and the button index) when a button of joypad is **pressed**. (The events are checked on each cycle fixed by `Frame._fps`.) **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** :param joypad_handler: function (int >= 0, int >= 0) -> * """ assert callable(joypad_handler), type(joypad_handler) self.__joypad_down_handler = joypad_handler
[docs] def _set_joypadhat_handler(self, joypad_handler): # type: (Callable[[int, int, Tuple[int, int]], Any]) -> None """ Set the function handler that will be executed (with the joypad index, the hat index and the values (a, b) where a and b == -1, 0 or 1) when hat of joypad move. (The events are checked on each cycle fixed by `Frame._fps`.) **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** :param joypad_handler: function (int >= 0, int >= 0, (int, int)) -> * """ assert callable(joypad_handler), type(joypad_handler) self.__joypad_hat_handler = joypad_handler
[docs] def _set_joypadup_handler(self, joypad_handler): # type: (Callable[[int, int], Any]) -> None """ Set the function handler that will be executed (with the joypad index and the button index) when a button of joypad is **released**. (The events are checked on each cycle fixed by `Frame._fps`.) **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** :param joypad_handler: function (int >= 0, int >= 0) -> * """ assert callable(joypad_handler), type(joypad_handler) self.__joypad_up_handler = joypad_handler
[docs] def add_button(self, text, button_handler, width=None): # type: (str, Callable[[], Any], Optional[int]) -> Control """ Add a button in the control panel. When the button are pressed and released, `button_handler` are executed. If `width` is not `None` then `text` is possibly cutted. But, in CodeSkulptor, the accurate appearance is browser dependent. And in SimpleGUICS2Pygame, the accurate appearance is font dependent. :param text: str :param button_handler: function () -> * :param width: None or int :return: Control """ assert isinstance(text, str), type(text) assert callable(button_handler), type(button_handler) assert (width is None) or isinstance(width, int), type(width) control = Control(self, text, button_handler, width) self._controls.append(control) self._draw_controlpanel() return control
[docs] def add_input(self, text, input_handler, width): # type: (str, Callable[[str], Any], int) -> TextAreaControl """ Add a "label" with an input box in the control panel. When click with left button of mouse on the "label" or input box, the focus is give to this input box. When press Tab, the focus is give to the next input box (if exist). When press Enter, this input box lost the focus and `input_handler` are executed with the input text. :param text: str :param input_handler: function (str) -> * :param width: int :return: Control """ assert isinstance(text, str), type(text) assert callable(input_handler), type(input_handler) assert isinstance(width, int), type(width) control = TextAreaControl(self, text, input_handler, width) self._controls.append(control) self._draw_controlpanel() return control
[docs] def add_label(self, text, width=None): # type: (str, Optional[int]) -> Control """ Add a label in the control panel. If `width` is not `None` then `text` is possibly cutted. But, in CodeSkulptor, the accurate appearance is browser dependent. And in SimpleGUICS2Pygame, the accurate appearance is font dependent. :param text: str :param width: None or int :return: Control """ assert isinstance(text, str), type(text) assert (width is None) or isinstance(width, int), type(width) control = Control(self, text, width=width) self._controls.append(control) self._draw_controlpanel() return control
[docs] def download_canvas_image(self, filename='canvas.png'): # type: (str) -> None r""" Save the content of the canvas in a local file. In SimpleGUICS2Pygame supported formats are supported formats by Pygame to save: TGA, PNG, JPEG or BMP (see ). If `filename` extension is not recognized then TGA format is used. If `filename` == '' then a random filename is used, beginning by 'canvas\_' and with '.png' extension. In CodeSkulptor the format is always PNG. (Available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor3 but *not in CodeSkulptor 2* and *not in CodeSkulptor documentation*!) :param filename: str """ assert isinstance(filename, str), type(filename) if filename == '': filename = 'canvas_{}.png'.format(''.join(random.choice('0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') for _ in range(8))) # noqa self._canvas._save(filename) # pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs] def get_canvas_image(self): # type: () -> None """ NOT YET IMPLEMENTED! (Does nothing.) (Available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor but *not in CodeSkulptor documentation*!) """
[docs] def get_canvas_textwidth(self, # pylint: disable=no-self-use text, font_size, font_face='serif'): # type: (str, Union[int, float], str) -> Union[int, float] """ Return the width needed to draw `text` by `Frame.draw_text()`. :param text: str :param font_size: (int or float) >= 0 :param font_face: str == 'monospace', 'sans-serif', 'serif' :return: int or float >= 0 """ assert isinstance(text, str), type(text) assert isinstance(font_size, (int, float)), type(font_size) assert font_size >= 0, font_size assert isinstance(font_face, str), type(font_face) assert font_face in _SIMPLEGUIFONTFACE_TO_PYGAMEFONTNAME, font_face font_size = int(round(font_size)) return (_simpleguifontface_to_pygamefont(font_face, font_size).size(text)[0] if font_size > 0 else 0)
[docs] def set_canvas_background(self, color): # type: (str) -> None """ Set the background color of the canvas. :param color: str """ assert isinstance(color, str), type(color) self._canvas._background_pygame_color = _simpleguicolor_to_pygamecolor(color) # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa
[docs] def set_draw_handler(self, draw_handler): # type: (Callable[[Canvas], Any]) -> None """ Set the function handler that will be executed each cycle fixed by `Frame._fps`. :param draw_handler: function (Canvas) -> * """ assert callable(draw_handler), type(draw_handler) self._canvas._draw_handler = draw_handler # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa
[docs] def set_keydown_handler(self, key_handler): # type: (Callable[[int], Any]) -> None """ Set the function handler that will be executed (with the key code) when a key is released. (The events are checked on each cycle fixed by `Frame._fps`.) :param key_handler: function (int >= 0) -> * """ assert callable(key_handler), type(key_handler) self._key_down_handler = key_handler
[docs] def set_keyup_handler(self, key_handler): # type: (Callable[[int], Any]) -> None """ Set the function handler that will be executed (with the key code) when a key is pressed. (The events are checked on each cycle fixed by `Frame._fps`.) :param key_handler: function (int >= 0) -> * """ assert callable(key_handler), type(key_handler) self._key_up_handler = key_handler
[docs] def set_mouseclick_handler(self, mouse_handler): # type: (Callable[[Tuple[int, int]], Any]) -> None """ Set the function handler that will be executed (with the position of the mouse) when the left button of mouse is **released**. (The events are checked on each cycle fixed by `Frame._fps`.) :param mouse_handler: function ((int >= 0, int >= 0)) -> * """ assert callable(mouse_handler), type(mouse_handler) self._mouse_click_handler = mouse_handler
[docs] def set_mousedrag_handler(self, mouse_handler): # type: (Callable[[Tuple[int, int]], Any]) -> None """ Set the function handler that will be executed (with the position of the mouse) **for each** new mouse position when the left button of mouse is pressed. (The events are checked on each cycle fixed by `Frame._fps`.) :param mouse_handler: function ((int >= 0, int >= 0)) -> * """ assert callable(mouse_handler), type(mouse_handler) self._mouse_drag_handler = mouse_handler
[docs] def start(self): # type: () -> None """ Start the frame and these handler events. .. warning:: With SimpleGUICS2Pygame, ``Frame.start()`` is blocking until ``Frame.stop()`` execution or closing window. So timers must be started *before*, and states must be initialized *before*. (Or maybe after by a handler function.) (In SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor this function is *not* blocking.) """ self._running = True clock = pygame.time.Clock() # Core of the drawing canvas and dealing events while self._running: # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks # Draw canvas self._canvas._draw() # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa # Save canvas images while Frame._save_canvas_requests: self._canvas._save(Frame._save_canvas_requests.pop(0)) # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa # Check events for event in pygame.event.get(): if (not self.__deal_event_mouse(event) and not self.__deal_event_joypad(event) and not self.__deal_event_key(event) and event.type == pygame.QUIT): # pylint: disable=no-member # noqa self.stop() # Wait (if necessary) next cycle self._fps_average = int(round(clock.get_fps())) clock.tick(Frame._fps) # clock.tick_busy_loop(Frame._fps) self.stop() while Frame._save_canvas_requests: self._canvas._save(Frame._save_canvas_requests.pop(0)) # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa Frame._frame_instance = None pygame.display.quit() if Frame._print_stats_cache: _print_stats_cache() Frame._pygamecolors_cached_clear() Frame._pygamefonts_cached_clear()
[docs] def stop(self): # type: () -> None """ Stop frame activities. If (Frame._keep_timers is None) and there is still running timers then ask in the canvas if it should be stop timers when program ending. (Maybe available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor but *not in CodeSkulptor documentation*!) """ if (Frame._keep_timers is not None) or not Timer._running_some(): # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa # Don't ask (eventually because no running timers) if not Frame._keep_timers: Timer._stop_all() # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa self._running = False else: # There are running timers: ask if they should be stop def check_key(key): """ If key is 'Y' then stop timers and stop the frame. If key is 'N' then stop the frame. :param key: int >= 0 """ if key == KEY_MAP['Y']: Timer._stop_all() # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa self._running = False elif key == KEY_MAP['N']: self._running = False def draw_ask(canvas): """ Draw request about running timers. :param canvas: simpleguics2pygame.Canvas """ if not Timer._running_some(): # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa self._running = False nb_timers_running = Timer._running_nb() # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa size = 20 canvas.draw_text('Stop {} running timer{}' .format(nb_timers_running, ('s' if nb_timers_running >= 2 else '')), (10, 10 + size * 3 / 4), size, 'Black') canvas.draw_text('when program ending?', (10, 10 + size * 7 / 4), size, 'Black') canvas.draw_text('(Yes/No)', (10, 10 + size * 11 / 4), size, 'Black') self.__joypad_down_handler = None self.__joypad_up_handler = None self.__joypad_axe_handler = None self.__joypad_hat_handler = None self._key_down_handler = None self._key_up_handler = None self._mouse_click_handler = None self._mouse_drag_handler = None Frame._hide_status = True self._controls = [] self._draw_controlpanel() self.set_draw_handler(draw_ask) self.set_canvas_background('White') self.set_keyup_handler(check_key)
# # "Private" functions ##################### def _print_stats_cache(): # type: () -> None """ Print to stderr some statistics of cached colors, fonts and medias. **(Not available in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.)** """ print("""# cached colors: {} # cached fonts: {} # cached medias: {}""".format(len(_colors._PYGAMECOLORS_CACHED), # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa len(_fonts.__PYGAMEFONTS_CACHED), # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa len(_media.__PYGAMEMEDIAS_CACHED)), # pylint: disable=protected-access # noqa file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() # # SimpleGUI function ####################
[docs]def create_frame(title, canvas_width, canvas_height, control_width=200): # type: (str, Union[int, float], Union[int, float], Union[int, float]) -> Frame # noqa """ Create and return an interactive window. :: | +-------+ | | title | | +---------+--------------+ | | control | | | | panel | canvas | | | | | | +---------+--------------+ | `title`: title of the window. | `canvas_width`, canvas_height: dimensions of the canvas. | `control_width`: width of the control panel. (The frame is inactive until the execution of `Frame.start()`.) **Don't run twice!** :param title: str :param canvas_width: (int or float) >= 0 :param canvas_height: (int or float) >= 0 :param control_width: (int or float) >= 0 :return: Frame """ assert isinstance(title, str), type(title) assert isinstance(canvas_width, (int, float)), type(canvas_width) assert canvas_width >= 0, canvas_width assert isinstance(canvas_height, (int, float)), type(canvas_height) assert canvas_height >= 0, canvas_height assert isinstance(control_width, (int, float)), type(control_width) assert control_width >= 0, control_width return Frame(title, canvas_width, canvas_height, control_width)