Source code for SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simplegui_lib_keys

# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-

simplegui_lib_keys module.

A class to help manage keyboard handling
in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.

Piece of SimpleGUICS2Pygame.

:license: GPLv3 --- Copyright (C) 2014, 2020 Olivier Pirson
:author: Olivier Pirson ---
:version: May 19, 2020

# print('IMPORT', __name__)

    from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional
except ImportError:

    import simplegui  # pytype: disable=import-error
except ImportError:
    import SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame as simplegui  # type: ignore

# Class
[docs]class Keys: """ Keys handler. Set and catch keys handlers of SimpleGUICS2Pygame (and CodeSkulptor) to help. General note: Some keyboards can't handle more than two or three keys pressed simultaneously. See `Keyboard Ghosting Explained!`_ and `Keyboard Ghosting Demonstration`_. .. _`Keyboard Ghosting Explained!`: .. _`Keyboard Ghosting Demonstration`: """ # noqa
[docs] def __init__(self, frame, keys=None): # type: (simplegui.Frame, Optional[simplegui.Keys]) -> None """ If keys is None then set an empty keys handler, else set a keys handler with key up and key down functions of keys. `active_handlers()`, `active_keydown_handler()` or `active_keyup_handler()` must be called to activate. :param frame: simplegui.Frame :param keys: None or Keys """ assert isinstance(frame, simplegui.Frame), type(frame) assert (keys is None) or isinstance(keys, Keys), type(keys) self._frame = frame self._pressed_keys = dict() # type: Dict[int, bool] if keys is None: self._keydown_fct = dict() # type: Dict[int, Optional[Callable[[int], Any]]] # noqa self._keyup_fct = dict() # type: Dict[int, Optional[Callable[[int], Any]]] # noqa else: self._keydown_fct = dict(keys._keydown_fct) self._keyup_fct = dict(keys._keyup_fct)
[docs] def active_handlers(self): # type: () -> None """Active key down and key up handlers.""" self.active_keydown_handler() self.active_keyup_handler()
[docs] def active_keydown_handler(self): # type: () -> None """Active the key down handler.""" def keydown(key_code): """Function handler dealt by frame.""" self._pressed_keys[key_code] = True fct = self._keydown_fct.get(key_code) if fct is not None: fct(key_code) self._frame.set_keydown_handler(keydown)
[docs] def active_keyup_handler(self): # type: () -> None """Active the key up handler.""" def keyup(key_code): """Function handler dealt by frame.""" if key_code in self._pressed_keys: del self._pressed_keys[key_code] fct = self._keyup_fct.get(key_code) if fct is not None: fct(key_code) self._frame.set_keyup_handler(keyup)
[docs] def is_pressed(self, key_code): # type: (int) -> bool """ If the key is pressed then return True, else return False. :param key_code: int >= 0 :return: bool """ assert isinstance(key_code, int), type(key_code) assert key_code >= 0, key_code return self._pressed_keys.get(key_code, False)
[docs] def is_pressed_key_map(self, key_str): # type: (str) -> bool """ If the key is pressed then return True, else return False. :param key_str: str in `simplegui.KEY_MAP` :return: bool """ assert isinstance(key_str, str), type(key_str) assert key_str in simplegui.KEY_MAP, key_str return self._pressed_keys.get(simplegui.KEY_MAP[key_str], False)
[docs] def pressed_keys(self): # type: () -> List[int] """ Return a sorted list with code of all pressed keys. :return: list of (int >= 0) """ return list(self._pressed_keys.keys())
[docs] def set_keydown_fct(self, key_code, fct=None): # type: (int, Optional[Callable[[int], Any]]) -> None """ If fct is None then erase the function key down handler to the specified key, else set the function key down handler to the specified key. :param key_code: int >= 0 :param fct: (int) -> * """ assert isinstance(key_code, int), type(key_code) assert key_code >= 0, key_code if fct is None: if key_code in self._keydown_fct: del self._keydown_fct[key_code] else: self._keydown_fct[key_code] = fct
[docs] def set_keydown_fct_key_map(self, key_str, fct=None): # type: (str, Optional[Callable[[int], Any]]) -> None """ If fct is None then erase the function key down handler to the specified key, else set the function key down handler to the specified key. :param key_str: str in `simplegui.KEY_MAP` :param fct: (int) -> * """ assert isinstance(key_str, str), type(key_str) assert key_str in simplegui.KEY_MAP, key_str self.set_keydown_fct(simplegui.KEY_MAP[key_str], fct=fct)
[docs] def set_keyup_fct(self, key_code, fct=None): # type: (int, Optional[Callable[[int], Any]]) -> None """ If fct is None then erase the function key up handler to the specified key, else set the function key up handler to the specified key. :param key_code: int >= 0 :param fct: (int) -> * """ assert isinstance(key_code, int), type(key_code) assert key_code >= 0, key_code if fct is None: if key_code in self._keyup_fct: del self._keyup_fct[key_code] else: self._keyup_fct[key_code] = fct
[docs] def set_keyup_fct_key_map(self, key_str, fct=None): # type: (str, Optional[Callable[[int], Any]]) -> None """ If fct is None then erase the function key up handler to the specified key, else set the function key up handler to the specified key. :param key_str: str in `simplegui.KEY_MAP` :param key_code: int >= 0 :param fct: (int) -> * """ assert isinstance(key_str, str), type(key_str) assert key_str in simplegui.KEY_MAP, key_str self.set_keyup_fct(simplegui.KEY_MAP[key_str], fct=fct)