Source code for SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simplegui_lib_draw

# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-

simplegui_lib_draw module.

Draw functions to help
in SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor.

Piece of SimpleGUICS2Pygame.

:license: GPLv3 --- Copyright (C) 2013, 2015, 2020 Olivier Pirson
:author: Olivier Pirson ---
:version: May 19, 2020

# print('IMPORT', __name__)

    import simplegui  # pytype: disable=import-error  # pylint: disable=unused-import  # noqa

except ImportError:
    import SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame as simplegui  # type: ignore  # pylint: disable=unused-import  # noqa


        from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union
    except ImportError:

# Functions
[docs]def draw_rect(canvas, pos, size, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments line_width, line_color, fill_color=None): # type: (simplegui.Canvas, Sequence[Union[int, float]], Sequence[Union[int, float]], int, str, str) -> None # noqa """ Draw a rectangle. :param canvas: simplegui.Canvas :param pos: (int or float, int or float) or [int or float, int or float] :param size: (int or float, int or float) or [int or float, int or float] :param line_width: int >= 0 :param line_color: str :param fill_color: str """ assert isinstance(pos, (tuple, list)), type(pos) assert len(pos) == 2, len(pos) assert isinstance(pos[0], (int, float)), type(pos[0]) assert isinstance(pos[1], (int, float)), type(pos[1]) assert isinstance(size, (tuple, list)), type(size) assert len(size) == 2, len(size) assert isinstance(size[0], (int, float)), type(size[0]) assert isinstance(size[1], (int, float)), type(size[1]) assert isinstance(line_width, (int, float)), type(line_width) assert line_width >= 0, line_width assert isinstance(line_color, str), type(str) assert (fill_color is None) or isinstance(fill_color, str), type(str) x0 = pos[0] y0 = pos[1] width = size[0] - 1 height = size[1] - 1 canvas.draw_polygon(((x0, y0), (x0 + width, y0), (x0 + width, y0 + height), (x0, y0 + height)), line_width, line_color, fill_color)
[docs]def draw_text_multi(canvas, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments text, point, font_size, font_color, font_face='serif', _font_size_coef=3.0 / 4): # type: (simplegui.Canvas, Union[str, Sequence[str]], Sequence[Union[int, float]], Union[int, float], str, str, Union[int, float]) -> None # noqa """ Draw the `text` (possibly with several lines) at the position `point`. If `text` is a str, then split it on each end of line. If `text` is a tuple or a list of str, then print each str on a separated line. See `simplegui.draw_text()`_ . .. _`simplegui.draw_text()`: simpleguics2pygame/canvas.html#SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame.canvas.Canvas.draw_text :param canvas: simplegui.Canvas :param text: str or (tuple of str) or (list of str) :param point: (int or float, int or float) or [int or float, int or float] :param font_size: (int or float) >= 0 :param font_color: str :param font_face: str == 'monospace', 'sans-serif', 'serif' :param _font_size_coef: int or float :raise: ValueError if text contains unprintable whitespace character """ # noqa assert isinstance(text, (str, tuple, list)), type(text) assert isinstance(point, (tuple, list)), type(point) assert len(point) == 2, len(point) assert isinstance(point[0], (int, float)), type(point[0]) assert isinstance(point[1], (int, float)), type(point[1]) assert isinstance(font_size, (int, float)), type(font_size) assert font_size >= 0, font_size assert isinstance(font_color, str), type(font_color) assert isinstance(font_face, str), type(font_face) assert isinstance(_font_size_coef, (int, float)), type(_font_size_coef) if isinstance(text, str): # Convert each Window$ and M@c end of line to standard end of line # and then split text = text.replace('\n\r', '\n').replace('\r', '\n').split('\n') x, y = point for line in text: assert isinstance(line, str), type(line) if __SIMPLEGUICS2PYGAME: canvas.draw_text(line, (x, y), font_size, font_color, font_face, _font_size_coef=_font_size_coef) else: canvas.draw_text(line, (x, y), font_size, font_color, font_face) y += font_size
[docs]def draw_text_side(frame, canvas, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals # noqa text, point, font_size, font_color, font_face='serif', font_size_coef=3.0 / 4, rectangle_color=None, rectangle_fill_color=None, side_x=-1, side_y=1): # type: (simplegui.Frame, simplegui.Canvas, str, Sequence[Union[int, float]], Union[int, float], str, str, Union[int, float], Optional[str], Optional[str], Union[int, float], Union[int, float]) -> None # noqa """ Draw the `text` string at the position `point`. See `simplegui.draw_text()`_ . .. _`simplegui.draw_text()`: simpleguics2pygame/canvas.html#SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame.canvas.Canvas.draw_text If `rectangle_color` != `None` then draw a rectangle around the text. If `rectangle_fill_color` != `None` then draw a filled rectangle under the text. | If `side_x` | < 0 then `point[0]` is the left of the text, | == 0 then `point[0]` is the center of the text, | > 0 then `point[0]` is the right of the text. | If `side_y` | < 0 then `point[1]` is the top of the text, | == 0 then `point[1]` is the center of the text, | > 0 then `point[1]` is the bottom of the text. :param frame: simplegui.Frame :param canvas: simplegui.Canvas :param text: str :param point: (int or float, int or float) or [int or float, int or float] :param font_size: (int or float) >= 0 :param font_color: str :param font_face: str == 'monospace', 'sans-serif', 'serif' :param font_size_coef: int or float :param rectangle_color: None or str :param rectangle_fill_color: None or str :param side_x: int or float :param side_y: int or float """ # noqa assert isinstance(text, str), type(text) assert isinstance(point, (tuple, list)), type(point) assert len(point) == 2, len(point) assert isinstance(point[0], (int, float)), type(point[0]) assert isinstance(point[1], (int, float)), type(point[1]) assert isinstance(font_size, (int, float)), type(font_size) assert font_size >= 0, font_size assert isinstance(font_color, str), type(font_color) assert isinstance(font_face, str), type(font_face) assert (rectangle_color is None) or isinstance(rectangle_color, str), \ type(rectangle_color) assert ((rectangle_fill_color is None) or isinstance(rectangle_fill_color, str)), \ type(rectangle_fill_color) assert isinstance(side_x, (int, float)), type(side_x) assert isinstance(side_y, (int, float)), type(side_y) assert isinstance(font_size_coef, (int, float)), type(font_size_coef) text_width = (frame.get_canvas_textwidth(text, font_size) if font_face is None else frame.get_canvas_textwidth(text, font_size, font_face)) text_height = font_size * font_size_coef if side_x < 0: x = point[0] elif side_x == 0: x = point[0] - text_width / 2.0 else: x = point[0] - text_width if side_y < 0: y = point[1] + text_height elif side_y == 0: y = point[1] + text_height / 2.0 else: y = point[1] if rectangle_color is not None: draw_rect(canvas, (x, y), (text_width, -text_height), 1, rectangle_color, rectangle_fill_color) elif rectangle_fill_color is not None: draw_rect(canvas, (x, y), (text_width, -text_height), 1, rectangle_fill_color, rectangle_fill_color) canvas.draw_text(text, (x, y), font_size, font_color, font_face)