
Compatibility between SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor and SimpleGUICS2Pygame

  • With SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor2 or CodeSkulptor3, some things (like fonts, buttons…) are browser dependents. That is to say that there are some differences from one browser to another. Therefore it is normal that these elements are also slightly different with SimpleGUICS2Pygame.

  • With SimpleGUI of CodeSkulptor2 or CodeSkulptor3, supported sound formats (WAV, OGG, MP3) are also browser dependents.

    With SimpleGUICS2Pygame WAV, OGG and MP3 (since version 2.0.0) are supported.

    I recommend to always use the OGG format.

  • Warning

    With SimpleGUICS2Pygame, Frame.start() is blocking until Frame.stop() execution or closing window. So timers must be started before, and states must be initialized before. (Or maybe after by a handler function.)

  • Warning

    With SimpleGUICS2Pygame, if your program is terminated, then windows opened by plot_bars(), plot_lines() and plot_scatter() will be closed automatically. You can use the specific function _block() to block the program until closing all windows.

  • See Tips to run specific code.

Problems with SimpleGUICS2Pygame

If MP3 sound failed on your system read installation of audioread.

Compatibility between Python 2 and Python 3

CodeSkulptor2 implements a subset of Python 2.

CodeSkulptor3 implements a subset of Python 3.

You can use SimpleGUICS2Pygame with Python 2 and Python 3.

  • The division / don’t have the same behavior in Python 2 and Python 3: .

    • In Python 2 (and CodeSkulptor): 3/2 == 1 and 3/2.0 == 1.5
    • In Python 3: 3/2 == 3/2.0 == 1.5

    3//2 == 1 and 3//2.0 == 1.0 everywehre.

    (You can add from __future__ import division on the top of your program, and Python 2 mimic Python 3 division. But then CodeSkulptor failed!)

  • Rounded behavior is also different: .

    • In Python 2 (and CodeSkulptor): round(1.5) == 2.0 and round(2.5) == 3.0
    • In Python 3: round(1.5) == round(2.5) == 2
  • print is a function in Python 3: .

    • In Python 2 (and CodeSkulptor): print 'Hello real world!', 42
    • In Python 3: print('Hello real world!', 42)

    With only one argument, print('Hello real world! ' + str(42)) run everywhere.

    (You can add from __future__ import print_function on the top of your program, and Python 2 mimic Python 3 print function. But then CodeSkulptor failed!)

Compatibility between CodeSkulptor and CodeSkulptor3

CodeSkulptor2 implements a subset of Python 2.

CodeSkulptor3 implements a subset of Python 3.

There are moreover some other differences.

  • In simplegui module module of CodeSkulptor3 and SimpleGUICS2Pygame, there is a Canvas.draw_arc() method that doesn’t exist in CodeSkulptor2.

  • In simplegui module module of CodeSkulptor3 and SimpleGUICS2Pygame, there is a Frame.download_canvas_image() method that doesn’t exist in CodeSkulptor2.

  • In numeric module of CodeSkulptor2 and SimpleGUICS2Pygame, there is a Matric.scale() method to multiply the matrix by a scalar and the operator * multiply two matrices.

    In CodeSkulptor3, the Matric.scale() method doesn’t exist, the operator * multiply a matrix by a scalar and the operator @ multiply two matrices.

Problem with CodeSkulptor

If you have no sound with CodeSkulptor on Chrome/Chromium and GNU/Linux, maybe you can fix that problem with pavucontrol. For example on Debian, install it and set the volume for the application:

$ sudo apt install pavucontrol
$ pavucontrol

Comparison of speeds

Due to the execution in browser CodeSkulptor is slower than directly execute Python on your computer. Below a graph of speeds of the execution of the test program example/Stress_Balls/ in several environments (all on Intel Xeon W3530 Quad-Core 2.8 GHz 6 Gio), where the canvas is normally displayed 60 times by second (SimpleGUITk seems not very precise). When there is a lot of shapes to draw the execution can no longer finished all drawing during the given time.

-O indicates that assertions was disabled during the test. See Python assertions option section.

You can also execute this online program to plot results: example/Stress_Balls/

Stress Balls results